Friday, April 28, 2017

Decide What’s Best For You With Global Employability Group

As soon as you choose a course of study depending on your choice of subjects and skills, the next thing is to think about getting a job in your field. It starts with choosing a job profile. From the various job profiles achievable with your course, you will have to short list a handful. The next step is searching the big names in the concerned industry offering job for these profiles. As you reach to the final phase of your degree, you will start applying for the job in your preferred companies. 

Everything goes smooth; you crack the initial rounds, get a call for the interview, the interview goes well, and finally, you get a call for joining! Aah! What a relief! Or is it really?

At this final phase, many aspirants find themselves confused and start thinking all over again from where it started. Something for which they were positive and hopeful suddenly becomes a ‘be or not to be’ situation. Deciding what to do is not just all, handling the situation professionally is the next tricky thing; especially when you want to decline the offer.

According to Global Employability Group, if you ask yourself the right set of questions, it can help you to take the decision and notify it to the concerned company in the right way. Here are the questions that they are taking about:

The company may be asking for a quick response depending upon the demand. So maybe you have got a little time to think. Consider asking yourself the following questions:

Is this the job profile of your choice?

  • Does it give you the growth and job satisfaction that you deserve in the next five years?
  • Have you applied to any other company from where the response is awaited?\
  • If you get a call from the other company, will you still choose this one?

If your answers to most of these questions yes, then congratulation! You are going to be a part of the organization that you are targeting for a long while. It is time to respond to their call letter positively as soon as possible. Otherwise, wait for the other company to respond to your job application. You can request for some more time to think from the current company offering you the job if it is really worth it.

The reason behind your decision to decline the offer can be something professional or personal. To know how to professionally communicate with the company for a positive response, contact Global Employability Group. This is very important as there is a closed network among the companies working in the same sector of the industry. You don’t want to ruin your future prospects with any of these organizations.

With the assistance of Global Employability Group professionals, you can handle the situation professionally. Furthermore, you will be able to know about the other employers in your field and reach them through the right channel. To discover new job opportunities for a great break, sign up with us now!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Try a Different Course For Internship Program This Summer - Global Employability Group

When it comes to career, a small decision can make all the difference. On your journey towards success, there are a number of significant decisions to make. From deciding your course of study to responding to an offer letter, you have to think about every step you take inside out before you take it.
Vocational trainings and internships are a great way to boost the chances of global employability group for an individual. Those who have been searching for an internship know how tough it is to get one. Young aspirants generally want something that strictly belongs to their course of study. However, here is a new approach towards it that might prove to be more beneficial for you. Why not go for a completely new internship course that differs from your degree subjects? Sounds extreme? It certainly is. Though, it has got its own set of advantages that follow.

·     You will enhance your set of soft skills – Each course of study has its own set of soft skills that it builds up in an individual. For instance, a medical student will learn the value of responsibility when he practices surgery while a management student learns leadership while addressing a group. On the other hand, when you opt for a different internship program, it is very important to consider the soft skills that you can develop such as teamwork, marketing skills, organization, communication and alike. Maybe in the coming time, you crack an interview with the help of your newly earned skill!

·        You will get to learn yourself better – The worst reason for job dissatisfaction is not knowing about your likes and dislikes. You don’t explore yourself enough before getting into a job or a study course. The result is – you land up in a wrong area and fail to find satisfaction in what you do. Exploring a new field through an internship program will be like discovering a whole new discipline without making any commitments to it.

·    You will make new links – Meeting new individuals on a professional level is always beneficial. Thanks to the internet, everything seems to be connected. The links made during your internship would certainly have a positive effect on your global employability group. As your professional network increases, it will open lots of doors for you on the career front.

·      You will discover new positions linked to your study – While being a university student, you only know a few professions you can get into after completing your course. As you come into contact with trainees and professionals from other lines, you will get to know how you can get entry into other lines of work linked to your study. Besides, you will learn to fuse with professionals from different disciplines.

If you want to enhance the chances of global employability group for yourself, don’t get stuck to a title or a job profile. Explore yourself to discover your skills and keep on adding new talents to your skill set. Good luck!